Wholesale With Jaq Jaq Bird®

Wholesale with Jaq Jaq Bird


Already a Jaq Jaq Bird retailer in the US?

Please email grace@jaqjaqbird.com to set up a new direct account, place a reorder and for any customer service inquiries.  Existing partners may log in to your Jaq Jaq Bird Wholesale Online account below:

Sign In To Your JJB Wholesale AccountCURRENT DISTRIBUTORS

USA | Jaq Jaq Bird® USA | grace@jaqjaqbird.com
Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg  | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
Bulgaria | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
Canada  | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
Chile  stefan@jaqjaqbird.com       
China  | amy@jaqjaqbird.com
Czech Republic & Slovakia | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
Denmark | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
France  | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
Germany | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
Greece  | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
India | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
Indonesia  | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
Italy | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
Japan  | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
Poland | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
Portugal | JAQ JAQ BIRD | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
Romania  | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
Spain (Baby)  | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
Spain (Toys/Gifts)  | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
Switzerland | stefan@jaqjaqbird.com
Taiwan |  amy@jaqjaqbird.com